Monday, March 13, 2006

Not Much To Update

I'm grateful to be over the cold finally. Now my dad has it, poor man.

I'm anxious to go to the doctor tomorrow - not because I'm worried about anything but because I want the official confirmation and "professionally" determined due date. And also to make sure everything is progressing as it should and to let her know about my illness last week.

According to all that I've read, I am about 5 weeks pregnant but in the sixth week of pregnancy. The whole counting this is confusing.

I'm one of the lucky ones who will have evening sickness. I seem to wake up feeling OK, I eat well until about mid-afternoon and then I start to feel a little off with no appetite. Makes the sickness tough when you don't want to eat, but you feel nauseous because you've not eaten. Anyway, I say lucky because I really don't want to have to deal with nausea at work.

So far, these seem to be working, too. Nice.


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